Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

2011. It's hard to wrap my mind around the fact that 2010 is over. Wow, it went fast. This time last year my Mr. Man and Little Miss were not talking or walking, respectively. Now they are all over the place, and constantly crack me up with their chatter. It was an interesting year, and I'm looking forward to what 2011 will bring.

I've given a lot of thought to my resolutions/goals for this new year, and I am making an effort to be very specific this year. Yes, I'd like to "lose 10 pounds", but I need metrics. Ha - can you tell I am a CPA? So, without further ado, here are my goals for 2011:

Exercise: I will take the kids and dog for a 1 to 3 mile walk 3 days a week, weather permitting. In January I will work out to Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred 20 times in 31 days. In February I will start the Couch to 5K program, and continue weights 2 days a week. From there, I will determine a specific exercise goal for each month.

House: I have developed a house cleaning schedule, and I will keep to it. It is embarrassingly basic for January, but I need to start with baby steps. As I get into a routine, I will add to my daily/weekly/monthly tasks with each month.

Meal Planning: I will do this consistently, planning a basic monthly schedule, and a specific weekly schedule.

Spending: I will actually develop a budget, and track my spending. I did not start couponing until September 2010, when we refinanced our house. While the savings will be worth it in the long run, the short term hit from our horrible appraisal made us focus on rebuilding our savings.

I also need to limit my time online. I will only go online during naptimes, unless I need to check a schedule or directions for something we plan to attend. I will turn my computer off at 9:30pm and be in bed by 10:30pm. I stay up far too late, and the twins get up far too early. I need to develop healthy sleep habits!

And finally, I need to devote more time to projects. I have hundreds, if not thousands, of pictures that need a place in photo albums. I want to make curtains for my family room. And since Mr. Man has learned how to climb in and out of his crib, I need to make toddler bedding for their newly converted toddler beds. It would be easier to buy these, I know, but I just don't like anything I can find in stores, and I know I could make anything that I would have to special order.

This seems like a tall order, but I do have it broken down into reasonable steps. I have a weekly calendar that I have filled out with my exercise, house, and other goals, as well as the meal plan, and it does not overwhelm me. I think this is going to be a great year!

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